Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Elizabeth, Betty, Lizzy, Beth, ...

Wordle: Untitled

Can you identify 5 boys' names and 5 girls' names in the picture above?
Are they common English names? Check here the top 50 girl names in 2009,
and here the top 50 boy names in 2009.

And what about your name?
- Does it have a translation into English?
- If it does, is it in the list?
- Do you know the meaning of your name? Find out here and explain.
- Can you name a famous person with your first name?

In my case, Raphael is the English version of my name, although it is
not very popular in English-speaking countries. It is of Hebrew origin
and it means "God has healed". Perhaps, the most important person with
my name was the 16th century painter Raphael Sanzio, from Italy.

Flexibilizan el uso de la nueva Ortografía española

Este domingo en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (México), las 22 academias de la lengua española han determinado, por fin, que los cambios ortográficos propuestos a principios del mes de noviembre constituyen sólo una recomendación; por tanto, los usuarios del español no estamos en la obligación de utilizarlos.

¿Qué opinas a este respecto?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The internet and the powers

Imagine that you upload a picture on "tuenti". It's a funny one, about you and your best friend in a party. The next day, at school, you see that a lot of people are staring at you. Two days later you feel that a lot of poeple are doing the same on the streets, and you don't know why.

One of your friends on "tuenti" took the picture and sent it to five friends. You don't know who, you probably added him/her without even knowing his/her name.

They don't understand the actual meaning of the picture (two friends just having a good time), and they think that you were drunk. The next day each of the five friends send the picture to another five, and they do the same thing the following day and so on.

Watch this video before answering two questions.

  • What happens when you upload something on the internet?
  • How many new people will see your picture the day number... (answer with your list number)?
TIME LIMIT: December 1, 2010.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Esta misma mañana, la escritora catalana Ana Mª Matute ha sido galardonada con el Premio Cervantes a toda a una vida dedicada a la literatura. Desde hace días, su nombre sonaba como uno de los favoritos y, finalmente se ha alzado con el premio.

Contesta, así, las siguientes preguntas:
1. Edad actual de la escritora

2. Lugar que ocupaba entre sus hermanos

3. ¿Para qué premio fue propuesta en 1976?

4. Nombra tres cuentos dedicados al público infantil

5. ¿A autores de qué nacionalidad es otorgado el Premio Cervantes?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Circulatory System

According to the video, answer these questions:

1. What is the name of the body's largest artery?

2. Could you explain me what are capillaries?

3. When blood returns to the heart which ventricle does it enter?

4. In order to pick up more oxygen blood enters the lungs through an artery. Could you tell me its name?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Maratón de lectura

Como lo prometido es deuda, aquí os dejo el enlace a los relatos y sus respectivas cuestiones, que se proponen para este maratón 2010-2011 organizado por el "GRUPO DE AUTORES Y LECTORES EN EL AULA" (ALAULA).

¡¡Mucho ánimo para participar !

An Englishman's home is his castle

There are many castles in England, some of them, really fascinating. When we hear the word "castle", we immediately think of the Middle Ages, brave knights and beautiful ladies, wars and, even, ghosts. Would you like to discover some of the most outstanding castles in England? Click on each photo and find information to answer these questions:

1. What is the name of each castle?
2. Who built the castle?
3. When was it built?
4. Does anybody still live there?
5. Can people visit the castle?
6. What famous movies were filmed in Alnwick Castle?
7. Which castle would you like to visit when we go to England?

Click here if you want to see Warwick Castle in detail.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Using Google Earth, travel to the Haram Mosque and the Ka'ba, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: (You have to download the software to use Google Earth. It is free.)

• Which direction would you follow?
• Why is it so important for Muslims to know this place?

Click on the cameras and other icons to get images and information.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Paris est considérée la capitale de la mode et du glamour. La prééminence française dans la mode date sans doute du XVIIème siècle, époque à laquelle les arts, l'architecture, la musique et la mode de la Cour de Louis XIV à Versailles sont admirés et imités par l'Europe entière.

Actuellement, il y a deux collections de mode: La Haute Couture et le prêt à porter
. La Haute Couture sert de vitrine pour diffuser l'image de marque des maisons de couture.

1. Regarde la vidéo de Haute Couture:
1.1. Tu penses que le défilé est créatif?
1.2. Quelle est l'inspiration du créateur des vêtements?
1.3. Le papier qui entoure la coiffure des femmens, à quoi il te fait penser?
. Regarde la liste de couturiers français et cite un couturier célèbre que tu connais.

2. Regarde les photos et exprime ton opinion sur les différentes tenues d'homme et de femme.
2.1. Qu'est-ce que tu penses de la mode?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Citas célebres sobre la lectura

En este post os propongo que citéis frases célebres acerca de la lectura, los libros y el enriquecimiento personal que suponen en nuestra vida. Además, debéis comentar muy brevemente la cita que apuntéis. Por cierto, hay gran variedad de las mismas, por ello, espero que no repitáis.

Comienzo yo:

Lee y conducirás; no leas y serás conducido

Santa Teresa de Jesús

Friday, November 12, 2010


¿Cuál es el significado y el origen de la expresión

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Poland: Gosia's country

Did you like Gosia's presentation about her country? I did. How much do you know about Poland now? Write at least one thing you learnt about it and click here to access Poland's official website. Surf the website and find some more interesting information about the country.
Read your classmates' comments before you choose your piece of information and write it here. You can find information about world-known Polish people, sports, history, nature, ...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


La nueva edición de la Ortografía de la lengua española, elaborada por veintidós Academias de la lengua, no ofrece cambios sustanciales, pero sí contiene cambios y recomendaciones interesantes.

El texto, una de las grandes obras de referencia para todos los países hispanohablantes, fue aprobado esta pasada semana por la Comisión Interacadémica de la Asociación de Academias de la lengua española y su contenido no será definitivo hasta que lo ratifiquen los máximos responsables académicos, el próximo día 28 en Guadalajara (México).

Ahora, evitando el copia y pega apunta algunos de los cambios que ofrece esta nueva Ortografía (os aviso de que existen muchos cambios y recomendaciones, así que, intentad aportad datos diferentes y no repetiros).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Digestive process

Describe how you digest a banana. Use the stages ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion. And the processes: take in, transform, absorb and eliminate.