Monday, June 17, 2013

4 Years together with wonderful people

Although four years aren't enough, we have lived great moments together. Since we met Rafa that day he come to our school, he has become the one who has never left us and who has always trusted in us and in what we are able of achieving, and we will always thank him for it.

We have experienced good and bad moments, but doesn' worth remembering tha bad ones because they are nothing compared to the good ones. The school trips, our farewell parties, our sillinesses in English classes, our protests in the exams, etc.

For me. the best moment of the past four years has been the trip to Paris and London. It was a shame that we were the twenty-ones. Undoudtedly, it was an unforgettable week. Those meetings at night to write the diary, those eternal card games, those shocks to Chinese by Maria Cano, the three groups of "Rafa Forever",which I put the name, "Paqui toujours" and "Rafa lost" which was always lost at the tube, etc.
All that will remain in our memories and no one can erase it.

We will never forget these four years, the first bilingual class. We were the first test and we hace passed it. Now we have just to enjoy these days together as possible, like today in Tutoria's class with that Scottish dance jajaja.

I can only say thanks for everything.

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