The photography
The correct definition is:
The photography is the science and the art of obtaining lasting images for the action of the light.
But for me , the photography is a drawing of us or of things which you want remember.
The photography was invented in 1839 by Niépce.
Part of the discovery was done by Joseph-Nicéphore Niépce, but actually it was publicized by Louis Daguerre.
The word comes from the Greek and means phos ("luz"), and grafis("to "design", "to "write").
Now there are many types of photography:
1 Stereoscopic photography:
The photography reproduces the objects on a flat surface and the illusion of the depth.
2 Photographs with infrared and ultraviolet light:
In this form it use with an ultraviolet light source for illuminating to the object, in order that only the light of comes from step.
3 Aerial photography and orbital:
The erial photographies and orbital they are photos of the terrestrial surface.
4 subaquatic Photography:
The subaquatic photography is the photographic speciality developed to be able to realize photographies in dip.
5 Macrocomes out in photographs:
It is in use for small photographies sew.
For me the most interesting , the most special, the best are the photos with my friends.
·Do you like taking photos?
·Do you like taking you photos?